Saturday 3 December 2016

The Girl who lept through Time (x2)

These are two Japanese films of this title(ish one has Time Traveller also in the title). Both based on the same book with the same title. Or rather are spin offs of that book (the live action film is also a sequel of a direct film of the book). Both can be enjoyed without reading the book thankfully - as I'm not sure it has been translated into English.

The general concept is simple - one day a girl finds herself for some reason able to leap through time (i.e. time travel). Both girls have a relation the the original school girl Kazuko from the book who fell in love with a time travelling boy from the future. The live action film has the school girl being Akari - daughter of Kazuko, the anime has the main character as Makoto - Kazuko's niece. The films don't seem to exist together though but as different 'what if' imaginings of the continuation of the novel.

Both films have their sad points as both continue the book's theme of partings. Both films also strangely enough have the same actress for the main female lead! I'll give both films 4/5 and recommend watching.

It is pretty amazing - found both trailers with subtitles!

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