Saturday 29 October 2016

Night Watch & Day Watch


Two films in one today. Based on the fantasy novels with some changes is the Night Watch and Day Watch films. Together they form an overarching story fantastical/political/action film about a supernatural underworld where you choose whether you follow the light or darkness who are currently in a truce. The Night Watch comprises of those who have chosen light who watch those who have chosen darkness. The Day Watch are those who have chosen darkness who police those who choose the light. Together these two agencies battle whilst strangely enough keeping a peace of sorts to prevent outright war. Nothing is quite as it seems and the films are rather twisty and confusing if you have not read the books. I'd give it a 2/5 if you haven't read the books and 4/5 if you have.

I couldn't find a trailer again so you get a short review with some clips which to be honest explains the film plot better than me.

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